
Respect for Human Rights Policy

1. Scope of Application

This Respect for Human Rights Policy (this “Policy”) sets forth the basic policies to be complied with by our directors, officers, employees and contract and dispatch employees (collectively, “All Officers and Employees”) for the purpose of respecting human rights in conducting any and all corporate activities of our company.
We also require our suppliers and business partners to respect human rights and not infringe upon the same.

2. Basic Principles

We will respect the international principles related to human rights* and comply with the laws, regulations and other standards and guidelines, etc. related to respecting human rights (collectively, the “Laws and Regulations”) applicable in the countries and regions where we conduct our corporate activities. In the case of any conflict between such international principles and the Laws and Regulations, we will pursue a method which respects such international principles.

3. Responsibility to Respect Human Rights

We will take the utmost care not to infringe upon other people's human rights, and will fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights in conducting our corporate activities, such as by striving to prevent or reduce any negative effects on human rights throughout the supply chain as a whole, based on a sense of ownership and under the recognition that there is a risk of such activities having potential or actual negative effects on human rights.
In conducting our corporate activities, we especially recognize that the following efforts to tackle human rights issues play an important role in fulfilling our responsibility to respect human rights:

  1. Prohibition of Discrimination
    We will not discriminate against any person due to their race, skin color, ethnic group, nationality, national origin, social status, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, disease, disability, religion, thoughts or political or other beliefs, etc.
  2. Prohibition of Behavior to Undermine Dignity (Harassment)
    We will not engage in any acts of harassment, whether moral, physical or sexual, such as: (i) abuse of authority, workplace bullying or power harassment; (ii) sexual harassment; (iii) harassing behavior against officers and employees who are pregnant, expecting, raising a child or are caregivers, etc.; or (iv) words and deeds which discriminate against, threaten or give a sense of discomfort to other people.
  3. Prohibition of Forced Labor and Child Labor
    We will not engage in or tolerate any forced labor or child labor.
  4. Respect for Basic Labor Rights
    In accordance with the Laws and Regulations, we will respect workers' rights to form and join labor unions, as well as to engage in collective bargaining and join peaceful assemblies.
    We will ensure the soundness of employment and labor and comply with the Laws and Regulations regarding wages, work hours, leave and other treatment of workers.
  5. Respect for Diversity
    We will create a working environment and organizational climate where workers can flourish and grow together by mutually respecting and accepting diversity.
  6. Ensuring a Safe and Hygienic Workplace
    We will prioritize safety at the workplace and endeavor to prevent workplace accidents.
    We will create a safe and hygienic working environment by taking security control measures in accordance with the Laws and Regulations and having All Officers and Employees take the initiative in making positive efforts therefor.

4. Management System

We consider that the efforts toward respecting human rights are one of the most important issues for sustainable management, and we will engage in the company-wide promotion thereof by establishing officers in charge and umbrella organizations under such officers and monitoring the implementation status thereof by causing such officers to report to the Board of Directors as necessary.

5. Implementation of Human Rights Due Diligence

In accordance with the Laws and Regulations, we will maintain a framework necessary for the implementation of human rights due diligence and thereby identify and grasp the compliance status of this Policy and any possible risks of our corporate activities having negative effects on human rights and strive to reduce such risks and prevent such negative effects from coming to fruition. We will also endeavor to fulfill our responsibility to provide explanations of such framework to our stakeholders.

6. Familiarization of and Education Related to this Policy

We will ensure compliance with this Policy and the Laws and Regulations by providing continuous education and enlightenment to All Officers and Employees to respect human rights.
We will also endeavor to familiarize our suppliers and business partners with this Policy and our attitude towards the respect for human rights and provide explanations thereof, as necessary, and thereby provide our suppliers and business partners with a better understanding of the same.

7. Mechanisms for Handling of Complaints

All Officers and Employees, suppliers and business partners can make reports to their superiors or through the internal and external hotlines if there is any possible risk of our corporate activities having negative effects on human rights, or if there is any breach or suspected breach of this Policy and other internal regulations, including any Laws and Regulations.
We will conduct appropriate investigation of any such reports received, and if we confirm any issues as a result of such investigation, we will promptly take necessary measures, such as rectifying such issues or providing remedies thereagainst. In addition, we guarantee the confidentiality of such reports and prohibit any detrimental treatment or retaliatory measures against the reporters.

*International principles related to human rights:

  • UN International Bill of Human Rights (the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” and the “Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” (which consists of the “International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights” and the “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights”));
  • ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work;
  • UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights; and
  • UN Global Compact, etc.