KH Neochem Group Hotline

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  • KH Neochem Group Hotline

We, the KH Neochem Group, have established the "Compliance Code" as our Principles of Corporate Behavior and the "Human Rights Respect Policy" for human rights, and are committed to compliance and respect for human rights in the group.

If you find or become aware of any actual or suspected violation of laws, regulations, rules, various social norms, the "Compliance Code" or the "Respect for Human Rights Policy" by our directors, employees, or others, please contact the "KH Neochem Group Hotline" and report it to us. We will inquire in to the facts of reported cases, and scrutinize them. If necessary, we will take appropriate action.

The content of any report made will be disclosed to parties outside KH Neochem Hotline only to the minimum extent necessary to confirm facts and conduct an investigation. We will not make any unfair treatment of you or your company for the reason that they reported the relevant cases.

Contact details

(Please note that it may take time to respond due to the investigation.)

Please accept the following conditions.

  • The content of your report and/or your personal information will be strictly handled and used only for the conducting investigation. For other handling of personal information, please confirm our "Privacy Policy"
  • We will not make any unfair treatment of you or your company for the reason that they reported the relevant cases. However, this does not apply in cases where the report is made for an improper purpose.
  • Please be aware that we will not contact you regarding the results of individual actions, unless we deem it necessary to do so.