KH Neochem WROC strategy

The innovation strategies of KH Neochem

KH i-Lab aims to innovate based on the three strategic domains— Environment, Healthcare, Electronics—set forth in a statement of KH Neochem's ambitions by 2030, entitled VISION2030. On top of that, through research activities that emphasize the characteristics of each member, we seek to create new businesses by tackling a wide range of social issues and integrating technological development through open innovation.


WROC strategy

At KH i-Lab, we advocate exploratory activities that emphasize the characteristics of each member, such as their own interests and specialties, and what they want to be by 2030. We call this the WROC (Wide Range Operation with Curiosity) strategy—we proceed with research activities that are sparked from individual curiosity.

Social issues that we envision

It is incredibly difficult to predict the future. In that process, we categorize and target social issues that may arise in the future—from global-scale issues (megatrends) to niche issues that customers or consumers might possibly have. Among these issues, some have already occurred; some can be discovered by exploration; and some can be uncovered by investigating deeply into phenomena, then repeatedly proposing and testing temporary hypotheses. Through our research activities, we are working to uncover a wide range of social issues and to create forms of business that will lead to their solutions.


The open innovation we aim to

In today’s market, where the external environment is subject to rapid changes, quick development is essential. In addition, in a highly complex society, the level of technology demanded must necessarily increase. To meet these demands, it’s essential that we make optimum use of untapped resources that lie dormant within our company, other companies, academic institutions, etc., without clinging to the notion that we must develop the technology ourselves. For this reason, we aim to create new business through open innovation.

Seeds of ideas

The seeds of ideas obtained from social issues and technology seeds are accumulated as knowledge by KH i-Lab. Moreover, unexpected stimuli may cause these seeds to sprout. We hope that sharing knowledge with you all generates opportunities for co-creation.



  • Halal certification
  • Forest maintenance
  • Marine plastics
  • Insects as a food source
  • CNF
  • Unused heat energy
  • DX
  • Smart cell industry
  • Fine bubble
  • MI
  • Microbiome
  • Please contact us using the below information.


    4F, AIRBIC 7-7 Shinkawasaki, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki-city, Kanagawa 212-0032, Japan