Our Principles of Corporate Behavior :Compliance Code
The KH Neochem Group believes that compliance not only involves complying with the law, but also upholding high ethical standards as a member of society, and meeting the demands and expectations of all stakeholders. In order to clarify this stance, we have formulated our Compliance Code, the Principles of Corporate Behavior common across the KH Neochem Group. Each and every member of the Group is expected to faithfully put the Compliance Code into practice by continuously asking themselves, "is my conduct correct?" and "can I speak about this with pride to others?" as they act.
Compliance Structure
The Board of Directors appoints a director responsible for overseeing compliance Senior Compliance Officer, and under the director's supervision, a manager responsible for compliance improvement Compliance Officer is designated. The Compliance Officer convenes the Conference toward Compliance Improvement , where progress and results of initiatives are reviewed, current challenges are discussed, and plans for further initiatives are decided. These efforts are put in a cycle to continuously strengthen our compliance structure. Serious compliance-related issues and the status of activities are reported to the Board of Directors as needed and are also shared with the Audit and Supervisory Committee.

KH Neochem Group Hotline Internal Whistleblowing / Advice Hotline
We have established the "KH Neochem Group Hotline" as a whistleblowing and consulting channel for people to report corruption, bribery, and other legal violations, improper or illegal conduct, and other breaches or suspected breaches of compliance. We provide the Compliance Hotline, Senior Compliance Officer Hotline, Audit and Supervisory Committee Member Hotline, inside the Company, and the Attorney Hotline outside the Company. All Hotlines provide services appropriately, maintaining strict confidentiality, and preserving the anonymity and privacy of whistleblowers and callers. In 2023, we expanded the scope of users to include not only our Company but also our Group's customers and business partners. The contact details for the hotline are published on the Company's and our Group companies' websites.
Corruption/Bribery Prevention Efforts
Our Bribery Prevention Policy mandates adherence to all laws relating to the prevention of corruption, bribery, and so forth. All gifts and hospitality, whether offered or received, are subject to a process that requires prior application and approval by the Compliance Officer.